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Hard-Tennis Ball Cricket Clubs in Finland

Written By Admin on Sunday, December 13, 2015 | Sunday, December 13, 2015

TennisBall Cricket in Finland:

Tape tennis or a hard tennis ball cricket is prominently popular in the South Asian sub-continent. These South Asian lads play hard-tennis ball cricket in various cities of FINLAND. A bunch of hard tennis ball cricket tournament  is organized in FINLAND annually . Normally lads from Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan play and organize these sorta tournaments.

Hard-tennis ball cricket is safer and cheaper in context to real ball cricket(Deuce Ball). Cricket safety kits like helmet,pads,gloves etc are not mandatory in Hard-tennis ball cricket . A set of stumps , bat , ball ,  and a couple of lads is all what you need to play a hard tennis ball cricket.

Cric8848  organizes several hard-tennis ball cricket tournament in FINLAND. SevenZer League is one of the shortest and popular tournament in FINLAND. A huge number of hard tennis ball cricket clubs  resides in  HELSINKI , TAMPERE and TURKU.

Below is list of hard tennis ball cricket clubs in Finland. The below clubs participated in Sevenzer League 2015- If your club is missing please write in the comments , we will update it in cric8848.

Cricket Clubs
        Please put your club name/logo in the comment box, if you want your club in this list.


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